Why do you love me?

A question that you have always asked but I still can't find words to express it all. So here my pen is helping me to express my feelings for you.

There was a quote that said if the person can't state why he/she loves you then their love is true. I don't completely agree with that (Logical) because there were reason that made me attracted to you. There were reasons you make my eyes glow. There were reason my heart skip a beat when I see. There were reason why my eyes are only on you. And at last there were reason when I know I feel in love with you.....

It all comes down to how you make me feel with every action you did. I don't love you for your past, I don't love you for your scars, I don't love you for your family, I don't love you for your future.

I love for who you're beyond everything in this world. You made me feel loved, you made me feel secure, you made me feel comfortable, you made me feel laugh, you made me feel pain. It's all about YOU and only You and I just wanna be yours for rest of my life. Feelings are very complex they can't be explained in words but I am trying to express them in words so that you can also how much you have made my heart only to beat for you. And this is the reason of why I love you.