Q.) If you get a guilty free pass who will you choose above your partner?

I can only say for myself and my answer will be NO. I would never choose someone over my girlfriend even if I get a guilty free pass. I already have the most caring, beautiful, loyal girl by my side who can support me in every season. Who makes my happiness in multiples and divide my sorrow or like completely take it away. And I am not an idiot to choose someone else. I am hers and she is mine.

But I wanna talk about the idol worship. There are many people who wanna sleep with a film star, cricket, influencer, etc. I just wanna say that if you single you can do that but when you're in a relationship you will eventually compare your partner with that person and by seeing his flaws you will regret every beautiful thing you guys have. These are facts and human nature. And in any way I am not telling to not be fans of the person. Just build a boundary because for them you're a single person in a crowd but for your partner you're the world
